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Security Essen Fair 2023

One of the largest and most prestigious international exhibitions in the security industry - the Security Essen Fair took place from 20th to 23rd September 2022.

The Security Essen Fair brings together leading security providers, giving visitors the opportunity to learn about many new technological solutions in one place. After a four-year break caused by a Covid-19 Pandemic, this year's edition of the Fair got back to the standard formula of the exhibition in Essen. This time 383 exhibitors from 36 countries and almost 17 thousand visitors participated in the exhibition.

The Security Essen Fair was an opportunity to present our new products in our portfolio, meet our clients from all around the world, and establish contacts with potential foreign customers. During the exhibition, we have promoted among others: the second edition of our flagship Enterprise-class access control and building automation system – RACS 5, a completely new access control solution for small and medium-sized businesses – SBAC, as well as the second edition of the key management system – RKDS. Moreover, during the Fair, we presented a new design line of proximity readers - Quadrus GO, OSDP readers, readers for mobile user identification (NFC, Bluetooth, QR), ADL series apartment locks, and a contactless exit button CEB12.

We would like to thank all visitors for their interest in our products, pleasant conversations, and fruitful meetings. If you want to cooperate, please contact us via the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We also invite you to watch the photo materials and a short video clip summarizing our participation in this year's edition of the fair.

See you at the next events!


Project Data: Participation in the event is implemented as part of a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the title "COMPREHENSIVE EXPORT SUPPORT SYSTEM IN POMORSKIE VOIVODESHIP"

Project Purpose: Acquiring new foreign distributors on the German market and other foreign markets. Promotion of new products introduced to the offer.

Project Value: 132 745.69 PLN.

Contribution of European Funds: 66 372.84 PLN (50% of eligible costs).



Project Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

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