Function keys configuration for switching T&A modes
How to configure function keys of PR602 LCD controller to change T&A modes (for example F1 - On-duty Exit, F2 - Private Exit...)?
In order to configure the function keys run PR Master software and in "Controller properties" window choose "F1 key" tab. Then select function [56]: Set predefined T&A mode (toggle) or [57]: Set predefined T&A mode (momentary). By choosing either of these functions T&A mode selection is activated. From the list select T&A mode, for example On-duty exit. Use the same procedure to configure other functions keys: F2, F3 and F4.
Toggle change - is activated until other command is executed, which changes current T&A mode or until scheduler changes T&A mode.
Momentary change - is activated only until new user is logged, and if it does not happen during 8 seconds controller automatically switches itself to previous T&A mode.