The Communication Service does not start
What to do when the Communication Service does not start?
1. Services are launched on a Windows user account that does not have Administrator rights
Edit the properties of the RacsCommunicationServer service> Login tab> This account> Browse> Advanced> Find now> Select the Administrator account >> Login> Enter the password for the account.
Finally, restart the service.
You can also uninstall RogerSVC, delete the installation directory and reinstall RogerSVC on the Windows Administrator account (run the installation file as Administrator).
2. The IP set in the configuration of the Communication Service does not match the IP of the computer/server
Enter the correct IP in the configuration (RogerSVC Service Manager> Communication service> Configuration)
3. The TCP port of the communication server (8890 by default) is locally blocked by the firewall
Create an appropriate firewall rule and unblock the communication port.
In case of further problems run C:\Program Files (x86)\Roger\RogerSVC\ “Roger.Racs.CommunicationServer.exe” as Administrator.
If the service starts - the problem is the lack of permissions (the first reason).
If the service does not start - contact Roger Technical Support.