RACS and network operation
I have PR Master software installed on local computer. How to share RACS database with current configuration on local network?
In order to prepare PR Master software for operation in network please follow these steps:
- Install PR Master software,
- Copy Data directory into localization in local network, (e.g. File server),
- Define share permissions to read and write for selected users, who will have access to database,
- Open Control Panel -> BDE Administrator,
- Point RACS_4_3 database from the list on the left side of the window,
- Enter path to DATA directory in PATH field, for example: \\9fn0z0j\Data (there is no "\" at the end !),
- Click Apply (blue arrow) to save changes. Note: If the Apply button is disabled please click right mouse on RACS_4_3 and select Close option,
- Restart PR Master software,
- Optionally, if there is configuration file with current settings it can be imported using command File -> Import database.
Warning: PR Master is not typical network application therefore it does not allow simultaneous multi user operation. Only one user can operate on RACS database at the same time because database is locked for read and write during connection.