Integrating PRxx2 controller with an alarm control panel
How to integrate PRxx2 controller with an alarm control panel to control „armed/disarmed” mode of the system?
- Assign [0] - disarmed function to the one of free outputs in controller,
- In alarm control panel set option for input lines Armed/Disarmed [NC] - input which controls armed mode of the zone,
- Set function for output line of the controller [03] - Disarmed Mode Switch (Toggle) [NC],
- In the alarm control panel assign Status function to output which informs when the alarm zone is armed,
- Controller output should be connected to the input terminal of the alarm switchboard,
- Control panel output should be connected to input line of the controller.
Such integration of the devices allows user (e.g. Switcher Full) to change arming mode of the alarm system by the controller leaving alarm system with full functionality of rearming and steering the state Armed/Disarmed.