VISO Web is a web application dedicated to the RACS 5 system management.
It allows system user management, system commanding and event auditing. Events can be either viewed in the live monitoring mode or derived from the system database.
Generally, the VISO Web application is dedicated for persons who operate in HR and security departments of the building being under control of the RACS 5 system.
- web management application for RACS 5 system
- user management
- system commanding
- live event monitoring
- event log audit
Web application dedicated to the RACS 5 system management
Component of the RogerSVC package
pdf VISO Web Operating Manual (625 KB)
pdf RogerSVC Data Sheet (117 KB)
pdf VISO Web Data Sheet (166 KB)
Archive RogerSVC v2.0.8.37079 (190.75 MB)
Roger Service Manager pack
Note! For multi-user operation, the pack should be installed on one computer (e.g. on a server) only.
Pack works with firmware MC16 v1.7.4.666 and higher -Download from here