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Network & Security Show 2023

On 12 - 13 October 2023, the Network & Security Show conference took place at the Palace in Wasowo. This event is organized annually by our distributor, Seecom Poland.

The Network & Security Show conference is a traditional event covering issues related to telecommunications infrastructure in buildings. The event is dedicated to designers, investors, and contractors of low-voltage systems. This event is a good opportunity to exchange knowledge and mutual experience, as well as learn about the latest trends in the industry.

During each edition of the event, representatives of leading companies from the telecommunications infrastructure industry are present. As the Gold Partner of the conference, during this year's event we presented the most important access control products and solutions from our offer and gave a lecture entitled: "RACS 5 v2 Modern access control, advanced visualizations, and integration with other systems". During this lecture, the following issues were discussed:

This event was a good opportunity to meet with installers, exchange current industry knowledge, and have interesting conversations. See you at the next industry events!

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